Saturday, September 29, 2007

You can count on me

These are the lyrics of a song written by "Oreja de van Gogh".
The text which you're about to read, has touched my heart every time I heard it. I had to think of my best friend, my darling every time it was played again. It was so real, so close... that even though not every song is made to become true, has this song taken a stronghold of us.

Música y letra de Amaia Montero
Music and lyrics composed by Amaia Montero

Un café con sal. Ganas de llorar.
A coffee with salt. Willingness to cry.
Mi mundo empezando a temblar,
My world beginning to tremble,
presiento que se acerca el final.
I feel the end is coming
No quiero ganar. Ahora eso qué más da.
I don't want to win. What does it matter now.
Estoy cansada ya de inventar excusas que no saben andar.
I'm tired of making up stories which cannot stand alone.
Y sólo quedarán los buenos momentos de ayer que fueron de los dos.
And only will remain, the good moments of yesterday... of us both alone
Y hoy sólo quiero creer ...
And today I only want to believe...


que recordarás las tardes de invierno por Madrid,
That you'll remember the winter afternoons in Madrid

las noches enteras sin dormir.
endless nights without sleep

La vida pasaba y yo sentía que me iba a morir de amor
Life went on and I felt I was going to die of love

al verte esperando en mi portal sentado en el suelo sin pensar
Watching you at my portal sitting on the ground not thinking at all

que puedes contar conmigo.
that you can count on me.

Nunca hubo maldad. Sólo ingenuidad.
There has never been evil, just naivety
Pretendiendo hacernos creer que el mundo estaba a nuestros pies.
pretending that the world is beneath our feet.
Cuando el sueño venga por mí en silencio voy a construir
When sleep comes for me in silence will I build
una vida a todo color donde vivamos juntos los dos.
a colorful life where we both together shall live.
Y sólo quedarán los buenos momentos de ayer que fueron de los dos.
And only the good moments of yesterday remain, which were of us both.
Y hoy sólo quiero creer...
And today I just want to believe...


que puedes contar conmigo para siempre.
That you can always count on me

Y no puedo evitar echarte de menos
And I can't avoid missing you
mientras das la mano a mi tiempo y te vas.
While you give a hand to my hand and go away
Yo siento que quiero verte y verte y pienso
I feel I want to see you and see you and I think


Que recordarás las tardes de invierno por Madrid,
That you'll remember the winter afternoons in Madrid
las noches enteras sin dormir.
endless nights without sleep
La vida se pasa y yo me muero, me muero por ti.
Life fades away and I die, I die for you...

We were in love... we were meant to be... we were ready to soar high...
Yet, life was about to change. Life was going to take a turn we both hadn't foreseen. It was then, that the lyrics at the beginning of this song would take hold... to our regret.
(Story to be continued)