Saturday, October 23, 2004

At the verge of a new stage

It's Saturday night, the last weekend in which I'll be enjoying the comfort of this house with all benefits included. As of Thursday, I'll be embracing a whole new way of living. It'll be the time for me to stand up on my own feet. I'll be moving from the safety of my uncle's house, to a student's house. A place which I'll be calling home for the next seven months. It's surely going to be a great challenge for me. Nevertheless, it's God, my Saviour Who's going to be leading my way; there's nothing to fear. I'm as a matter of fact, excited about it. I have always had a small taste of being fully independent, but I have never yet, had the chance to fully experience living on my own. Time will tell whether this decision is sweet or bitter...

View from my student dorm room

What a student's place looks like...

Amazing sunset view from my room