Today, quite a normal day despite the fact that tomorrow's my worst school exam. I've been preparing myself for a whole week already but the preparation seems never to be enough. There's always new stuff to learn. In that sense, I decided to stay home for the whole day at my place and focus on my studies only.
Yeah was an extraodinary day when I realized the sky had opened his curtains letting it's beauty glow with the warm and embracing sunrays which broke through the windows of my room. Something the which you don't expect in the midst of a Dutch winter time. Notoriously, when I was "done" with all my studies the one and only thought that meandered my mind was going and let those gleaming sun's rays strike me straight in my face while biking.
Alright! I have my biking outfit on, my bidon is full, the tires are pumped, it's time to roll! Once I headed biking wondering where I'd head to, I simply chose taking a route which I really like along the wide 'Mass' river. Without clearly knowing the way to get there, I took my best chance and let the road lead me. It wasn't until I had reached my favourite place for taking a walk that the road took a turn right. It was a road never touched by the profile of my "Amira's" {my bike's name :-P} wheels.
It was summoning and promised me a plesant ride while enjoying the grasslands at one side and the accompanying Mass at the other.
After an hour and a half I realized it was time to go home although I hadn't found my reference point yet. The bridge I had once seen wouldn't show up to let me know I was on the right way. Thus, I kept following the street signs hoping to find my way home regardless. At one point, my orientation had been totally lost and the street signs where my only hope to get home on time.
It was exactly when the muscle nerves on my legs let me know that exhaustion wouldn't let them keep up for much longer that I saw that vague old sight I had seen so long ago. The bridge was there, standing, waiting for me to go over it. Praise God! One way or the other, It had been uncounsciously found!
Yeah, a bridge, what's important of a bridge?
It was my reference point, and now I knew exactly where I was precisely at the moment I wanted to be. It could've not gotten better. That's right, it was when the sun was about to hide once again and make known the day was over. That exact moment the which it'd bathe the whole skies and wandering clouds with a flow of colors that only God's perfect mind could think of. It was as if the combination of reds, grays, blues, and whites, mingled together with the shape of those highly elevated thin, long-drawn, and flatlike cirrus clouds. A picture so perfect that not even Vincent van Gogh could've thought of.
God's display of his perfection not only on his creation, but also timing made me cry out loud and simply glorify his name. The bridge, I could have not been on a better place at that given moment. A goal was reached, a prize was given and a heart was elated. Isn't my Heavenly Father not lovable and appraisable? May His name be glorified!