Dear comrades, mates and family members,
Guess what? I’ve got news! Within a week, this bike is mine! The new and radiant “Gran Winner” model 2006 from Koga Miyata! It is an amazing blessing from God and after a year of struggling and waiting for this blessing, has it finally become true. This dream come true would’ve not been possible without the support and prayers of my dearest friends and people who support my cycling career. Even when I thought it’d not be possible anymore, God lead through and opened door where I thought there were none. This is my story:
Guess what? I’ve got news! Within a week, this bike is mine! The new and radiant “Gran Winner” model 2006 from Koga Miyata! It is an amazing blessing from God and after a year of struggling and waiting for this blessing, has it finally become true. This dream come true would’ve not been possible without the support and prayers of my dearest friends and people who support my cycling career. Even when I thought it’d not be possible anymore, God lead through and opened door where I thought there were none. This is my story:

With this new blessing, I’m fully motivated to train practically every day. The 2nd of April is my very first competition of the year. My trainings can vary from short rides in dark, cold days, up to a ride of even half a day whenever the weather becomes my fellow companion. The most extreme training so far has been a night training in which I decided to dive into a forest at 22:30 with no moonlight at all! It has certainly been an adventure in itself but I must say that this particular training has a story written on it. After riding 60 km. that day, having given a fitness class at my work, and riding back home late in the evening, must I say that getting lost for about an hour in the midst of the of the Dutch wilderness, where stillness reigns and the tranquility of the forest surrounds you, has been a soul-renewing experience. Being there, in complete harmony with God’s nature let me know what an awesome Creator is our God. I could only adore Him that night, enjoying the peace He had brought into my heart only by being who He is. Praised be the Lord for who He is and his never ending love!
Day after day, I feel stronger. There’s plenty of stuff to be done and I have to be prepared before the second of April. Within a week will I have the new bike with me. That moment, it will be the right time to ride on and glorify the Lord during every single competition I ride!
I thank those who remained next to me and helped me make this dreams come true. Above all, I thank God my Father, Creator, and this time provider for being faithful on me and blessing me with such a beautiful bike to ride upon.
Day after day, I feel stronger. There’s plenty of stuff to be done and I have to be prepared before the second of April. Within a week will I have the new bike with me. That moment, it will be the right time to ride on and glorify the Lord during every single competition I ride!
I thank those who remained next to me and helped me make this dreams come true. Above all, I thank God my Father, Creator, and this time provider for being faithful on me and blessing me with such a beautiful bike to ride upon.

This is everything for now. May the Lord bless you greatly at everything which you do, and remember:
Never give up! Fight the good fight and keep on going on until the longing of your heart has been fulfilled!
God speed,