Living the dream ~ To dream is to live ~ Aim high today!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
This is an inscription which I read while reading a book. I believe it's worth writing in my personal journal since it conveys mi situation so much.
When God calls, a gun sounds, and a marathon begins. A life of service. A lifetime of measured steps which (because of the distance to be covered) take in stride the potholes along the way. Disappointment, tears, rejection, exhaustion, failure, loss. A cross I think he called it. The One who finished first, who near the end of his own long-distance race (though winded) sighed "I thirst!" It was what he saw beyond the finish line that bade him stay his course. A faithful finish. And his Father's proud "well done!" It's true. Persistence has its price tags. But also its rewards! Like the rush that comes when you run through the pain and find a second wind (when you want to cash it in). But don't forget the hush. That's another joy in the marathon quest. That quiet contentment that steadies your steps on "a long obedience in the same direction." The knowledge that you're being true to what God called you to do and to that which you pronmised you would.
Along the way, you've had opportunities to learn endurance and in the process make a difference for Christ and his Kingdom. Because of your determination to not give up or in, there are those throughout this nation (and beyond) who have heard the call of God and joined the race. You've paced yourself well, and now as you find your full stride, would you allow us to run at your side? After all, what you've attained is the goal that we seek. Strong, not weak. Strong, not wilting. Not bailing out, but holding out to the end. Perseverance. Persistence. Going the distance. Finishing well.
I'm willing to go for the marathon Quest. My quest is the Tour De France. I may not measure up to the unbearable sufferings of my personal Saviour Jesus Christ or the untold achievements of Lance Armstrong, but there's one thing I'm on plan to do: "to run the race of faith" [Hebrews 12:1]. With God's grace over me and probably the support of those who believe this dream can be achieved,
I'm willing to give it all for the call so God's name be glorified and known to all.
[That's my life's compromise, now you know it all]
When God calls, a gun sounds, and a marathon begins. A life of service. A lifetime of measured steps which (because of the distance to be covered) take in stride the potholes along the way. Disappointment, tears, rejection, exhaustion, failure, loss. A cross I think he called it. The One who finished first, who near the end of his own long-distance race (though winded) sighed "I thirst!" It was what he saw beyond the finish line that bade him stay his course. A faithful finish. And his Father's proud "well done!" It's true. Persistence has its price tags. But also its rewards! Like the rush that comes when you run through the pain and find a second wind (when you want to cash it in). But don't forget the hush. That's another joy in the marathon quest. That quiet contentment that steadies your steps on "a long obedience in the same direction." The knowledge that you're being true to what God called you to do and to that which you pronmised you would.
Along the way, you've had opportunities to learn endurance and in the process make a difference for Christ and his Kingdom. Because of your determination to not give up or in, there are those throughout this nation (and beyond) who have heard the call of God and joined the race. You've paced yourself well, and now as you find your full stride, would you allow us to run at your side? After all, what you've attained is the goal that we seek. Strong, not weak. Strong, not wilting. Not bailing out, but holding out to the end. Perseverance. Persistence. Going the distance. Finishing well.
I'm willing to go for the marathon Quest. My quest is the Tour De France. I may not measure up to the unbearable sufferings of my personal Saviour Jesus Christ or the untold achievements of Lance Armstrong, but there's one thing I'm on plan to do: "to run the race of faith" [Hebrews 12:1]. With God's grace over me and probably the support of those who believe this dream can be achieved,
I'm willing to give it all for the call so God's name be glorified and known to all.
[That's my life's compromise, now you know it all]
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Fast! Answer to your call and don't hesitate!
Walking along the sidewalk, my friend and I were talking and enjoying the bright shiny sun. We were letting our stomachs digest the exquisite Tosti's recently eaten in a terrace, when we were faced with a death or life situation. We had to react instantly before the worst would happen. The lives of 4 living beings were depending on us with utter urgency. There was no time to lose! We had to act immediatly! otherwise those 4 lives would be lost forever...
Four recently-born baby ducks were running straight into the road not knowing what was about to come their way...
With no hesitation my friend and I ran behind them trying to prevent such a tragedy to happen. Thank God we were exactly at the right place on the right moment; we had been able to get a hold on them and save those beautiful creatures from an unthinkable end...
Four recently-born baby ducks were running straight into the road not knowing what was about to come their way...
With no hesitation my friend and I ran behind them trying to prevent such a tragedy to happen. Thank God we were exactly at the right place on the right moment; we had been able to get a hold on them and save those beautiful creatures from an unthinkable end...
At the end of it all, had the duck family being able to reunite and become a happy duck family once again.
This is a true story, it happened to the little friends of the friend who is a friend of mine.

(The ducks can now hardly be seen: The father duck is standing upright in the left side while the mother duck is practically hidden behind the the bushes in the right side. The four baby ducks are nowhere to be seen due to their tiny size and their colors which so easily blend with their surroundings; however, they are included in this picture)
This is a true story, it happened to the little friends of the friend who is a friend of mine.

(The ducks can now hardly be seen: The father duck is standing upright in the left side while the mother duck is practically hidden behind the the bushes in the right side. The four baby ducks are nowhere to be seen due to their tiny size and their colors which so easily blend with their surroundings; however, they are included in this picture)
Monday, April 18, 2005
Amstel Gold Race Tour Version 2005
Hopefully may you have read the story I wrote about the "big ride" yet to come.
Well, this has been my big ride, the Amstel Gold Race. You may have noticed already due to the foto that I've been able to accomplish it. However, the story behind it, is a story worthy to recall.
After waking up at 4am and eating what I could, did I head to the departure place 10kmts further. At 6:01 did my bike's front wheel cross the startline. The beginning went amazingly good and the first 100 kilometers had been barely noticed. It wasn't until the second round that problems came along the way. At a given moment I got a flat tire. Not once, but twice. That has been the deepest point of the ride. Having to repair my tires with senseless and dirty hands due to the low and wet temperature (8ÂșC) was no fun. At that moment, did I see everything what I had worked for, break down into pieces. I had no food to keep on and had no other extra tires. I had to repair it there and do all the work on my own.
Praise be to God that I could find the piercing at bare sight and paste it right away while praying that I had done it right. When I realized that it had worked out and could go further, had hope slowly returned into my guts. At the next 'unregistered' supply and rest point, could I buy enough food to keep on. I praise God for that point for otherwise, would I have never being able to make it over the hills to the next official check-point that awaited me further in the course.
With new strength, motivation, and hope were my thoughts and muscles directed to one objective: finishing the race. I could hardly believe myself when at the last climb, I realized I had made it. Almost with tears in my eyes and a deep feeling of fulfillment had the mission being accomplished.
May all glory be to God and his mercy on me. He gave me one slight bit of hope when He let me find the piercing in the tire and eventually didn't let any other mishappenings come along my way. Thus, with the 2nd-hand bike of mine, and the amateur muscles on my legs, have we reached out to the goal after 11 hours and 5 minutes of exhaustive machine, human, and power of will effort.
As a result, did I for the 1st time after almost two years of residence in Holland finally earned my first medal of honor in this land. May all be done to the glory of God who gave me the possibilities to do so. After all, had all the efforts paid their toll.
Whether this be the very beginnning of a prominent carreer full of new experiences and adventures all the way through to the Tour the France, or the very end of it due to my limited and fragile situation, it all rests in God's hands. The opportunities, possibilities, but above all, God's grace will let me know of it in due time.
"Until the answer comes along my way, do I want to rest on You, Jehovah Jireh, my provider and lover of my soul. You have led me so far, I've given it all for you, and know I have nothing but my hope in you. It is now thou call the which I wait upon, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, do I pray, Amen."
Well, this has been my big ride, the Amstel Gold Race. You may have noticed already due to the foto that I've been able to accomplish it. However, the story behind it, is a story worthy to recall.
After waking up at 4am and eating what I could, did I head to the departure place 10kmts further. At 6:01 did my bike's front wheel cross the startline. The beginning went amazingly good and the first 100 kilometers had been barely noticed. It wasn't until the second round that problems came along the way. At a given moment I got a flat tire. Not once, but twice. That has been the deepest point of the ride. Having to repair my tires with senseless and dirty hands due to the low and wet temperature (8ÂșC) was no fun. At that moment, did I see everything what I had worked for, break down into pieces. I had no food to keep on and had no other extra tires. I had to repair it there and do all the work on my own.
Praise be to God that I could find the piercing at bare sight and paste it right away while praying that I had done it right. When I realized that it had worked out and could go further, had hope slowly returned into my guts. At the next 'unregistered' supply and rest point, could I buy enough food to keep on. I praise God for that point for otherwise, would I have never being able to make it over the hills to the next official check-point that awaited me further in the course.
With new strength, motivation, and hope were my thoughts and muscles directed to one objective: finishing the race. I could hardly believe myself when at the last climb, I realized I had made it. Almost with tears in my eyes and a deep feeling of fulfillment had the mission being accomplished.
May all glory be to God and his mercy on me. He gave me one slight bit of hope when He let me find the piercing in the tire and eventually didn't let any other mishappenings come along my way. Thus, with the 2nd-hand bike of mine, and the amateur muscles on my legs, have we reached out to the goal after 11 hours and 5 minutes of exhaustive machine, human, and power of will effort.
As a result, did I for the 1st time after almost two years of residence in Holland finally earned my first medal of honor in this land. May all be done to the glory of God who gave me the possibilities to do so. After all, had all the efforts paid their toll.
Whether this be the very beginnning of a prominent carreer full of new experiences and adventures all the way through to the Tour the France, or the very end of it due to my limited and fragile situation, it all rests in God's hands. The opportunities, possibilities, but above all, God's grace will let me know of it in due time.
"Until the answer comes along my way, do I want to rest on You, Jehovah Jireh, my provider and lover of my soul. You have led me so far, I've given it all for you, and know I have nothing but my hope in you. It is now thou call the which I wait upon, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, do I pray, Amen."
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Cycling, my call?
For the past few months have I been preparing myself for maybe the heaviest trial in my cycling career so far. Now, the time has come and on Saturday I'm riding the Amstel Gold Race: a 250km ride (mostly uphill) in the Southern hills of Holland.
I'm giving up practically everything just for that reason. Not only for the coming tour, but for every other tour yet to come along my way until the ultimate goal has been achieved: the "Tour de France".
Why did I choose for that? Is it worth the trouble? Is this the smartest thing to do, or am I being an unrealistic guy who's simply going after an illusion? People say I'll never reach it and that I'm already too late. But am I unreal when I can ride 200 kmts in one day and beat 4 of my own records in once? Judge it yourself:
1. I rode from Den Bosch to Amsterdam in 3 hours (100kmts).
2. I completed the 200 k's with an average speed of 30km/h.
3. In the last sprint uphill, I reached a speed of 42km/h.
4. Once home, I even had energy enough to shower, do some shopping for myself, and eventually go to the youth meeting at night.
"Imppressive", you may say; the same way I thought of myself. I must say that it's been God's grace on me Who grant me the perfect day to accomplisch such achievements. It's surely not been easy. I even almost fainted once, but it's always God's hand the which held me tight and let me faint not.
It has surely being my best day of the year concerning cycling.
However...who cares?
Sure enough did I hear that people are proud of me, but that will surely not lead me to accomplishment of those so longed dreams. In order to break those records, did I have to give up studying for my tests, did I have to buy new accesories for the bike, did I have to spend more than expected in the needed food; actually, did I have to dare taking such a ride.
Ok, "But if your love doing it" you may say. I love it indeed, and I'll keep on doing it as long as it's possible for me to do so. However, not when it's not worth the sacrifice. This Saturday, for the Amstel Gold Race, I have to do everything on my own. No trasnportation, no food, not even a hand lapping my shoulder encouraging me, what's worse, there will be not even a welcoming hand waiting for me at the end of it. I'm sorry people, but if you know me and are expecting me to ride head to head with Lance Armstrong in the Tour De France, don't leave me alone that I need your support. I can't this on my own. I've given up everything already: studies, money, home, even my girlfriend. Call me stupid, call me crazy, call me challenging, I don't care... but in God's name, if you want me to ride the Tour de France and accomplish God's call for me, do something for it as well please.
I'm giving up practically everything just for that reason. Not only for the coming tour, but for every other tour yet to come along my way until the ultimate goal has been achieved: the "Tour de France".
Why did I choose for that? Is it worth the trouble? Is this the smartest thing to do, or am I being an unrealistic guy who's simply going after an illusion? People say I'll never reach it and that I'm already too late. But am I unreal when I can ride 200 kmts in one day and beat 4 of my own records in once? Judge it yourself:
1. I rode from Den Bosch to Amsterdam in 3 hours (100kmts).
2. I completed the 200 k's with an average speed of 30km/h.
3. In the last sprint uphill, I reached a speed of 42km/h.
4. Once home, I even had energy enough to shower, do some shopping for myself, and eventually go to the youth meeting at night.
"Imppressive", you may say; the same way I thought of myself. I must say that it's been God's grace on me Who grant me the perfect day to accomplisch such achievements. It's surely not been easy. I even almost fainted once, but it's always God's hand the which held me tight and let me faint not.
It has surely being my best day of the year concerning cycling.
However...who cares?
Sure enough did I hear that people are proud of me, but that will surely not lead me to accomplishment of those so longed dreams. In order to break those records, did I have to give up studying for my tests, did I have to buy new accesories for the bike, did I have to spend more than expected in the needed food; actually, did I have to dare taking such a ride.
Ok, "But if your love doing it" you may say. I love it indeed, and I'll keep on doing it as long as it's possible for me to do so. However, not when it's not worth the sacrifice. This Saturday, for the Amstel Gold Race, I have to do everything on my own. No trasnportation, no food, not even a hand lapping my shoulder encouraging me, what's worse, there will be not even a welcoming hand waiting for me at the end of it. I'm sorry people, but if you know me and are expecting me to ride head to head with Lance Armstrong in the Tour De France, don't leave me alone that I need your support. I can't this on my own. I've given up everything already: studies, money, home, even my girlfriend. Call me stupid, call me crazy, call me challenging, I don't care... but in God's name, if you want me to ride the Tour de France and accomplish God's call for me, do something for it as well please.
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