Sunday, April 24, 2005

This is an inscription which I read while reading a book. I believe it's worth writing in my personal journal since it conveys mi situation so much.

When God calls, a gun sounds, and a marathon begins. A life of service. A lifetime of measured steps which (because of the distance to be covered) take in stride the potholes along the way. Disappointment, tears, rejection, exhaustion, failure, loss. A cross I think he called it. The One who finished first, who near the end of his own long-distance race (though winded) sighed "I thirst!" It was what he saw beyond the finish line that bade him stay his course. A faithful finish. And his Father's proud "well done!" It's true. Persistence has its price tags. But also its rewards! Like the rush that comes when you run through the pain and find a second wind (when you want to cash it in). But don't forget the hush. That's another joy in the marathon quest. That quiet contentment that steadies your steps on "a long obedience in the same direction." The knowledge that you're being true to what God called you to do and to that which you pronmised you would.
Along the way, you've had opportunities to learn endurance and in the process make a difference for Christ and his Kingdom. Because of your determination to not give up or in, there are those throughout this nation (and beyond) who have heard the call of God and joined the race. You've paced yourself well, and now as you find your full stride, would you allow us to run at your side? After all, what you've attained is the goal that we seek. Strong, not weak. Strong, not wilting. Not bailing out, but holding out to the end. Perseverance. Persistence. Going the distance. Finishing well.

I'm willing to go for the marathon Quest. My quest is the Tour De France. I may not measure up to the unbearable sufferings of my personal Saviour Jesus Christ or the untold achievements of Lance Armstrong, but there's one thing I'm on plan to do: "to run the race of faith" [Hebrews 12:1]. With God's grace over me and probably the support of those who believe this dream can be achieved,

I'm willing to give it all for the call so God's name be glorified and known to all.
[That's my life's compromise, now you know it all]

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