Yes, it's been quite a long time before any history has been written again. Even though I had the priviledge of enjoying a three-week unscheduled vacation, I remained busy learning and discovering amazing new aspects of a life closer to God. Probably ahead of time, did I begin the Bible study which was meant to be done with the church altogether. Nevertheless, it was during this 'free' time that I could completly focus on reaching deeper for God's amazing wonders.
That, has indeed been achieved. It was during a cold Dutch winter morning, when reading under the luminous light reflected from the sun to the spotless white clouds which eventually reflected through the breadth of my window, that I came to learn another important truth for my life. That is, "
Pain is the fuel for passion.". I realized then, another facet for pain. I often used to tell people, "No pain, no gain" which to a certain point is true, but that does not involve the whole of its extension. To make it clearer, here comes my most recent experience lived 'til now.
The first revolutions had been turned. Eventually began my body to react to the growing tension from legs. The cardio frecuency would go higher, heat would be given away, and the locomotive system was reaching its point of efficient functionality. Those facts marked the beginning of a long expected journey.
That journey was not only long due to its length in distance, but also because it promised to be a cold, very cold ride. It could be clearly noticed by the white covered grass and the pale, leafless trees along the way.
Even though I was fairly proteced against such conditions, not even the movement of my limbs could help the end of them freezing to the point of an acute pain. The pain sensors of both my fingers and toes told my brains that not enough warmth was given to them. There was nothing I could do but overcome it. Even after the sun had risen, had still the temperature remained slightly above the freezing point. Nevertheless, after 3.5 hours and 90 kmts of hard training, had my objective finally being achieved...partially.
The center of Amsterdam had to be reached, but with my senses numbed and only one thought on my mind [rest], was my way rather deviated. Riding all over the place, but getting nowhere, was my body starting to give up and claim, "why? Can't this be any harder?" It wasn't the first time I'd done that, but sure enough the first time it took me so long. Even finding a resting place was a tortuous and unpleasant quest which even though was achieved, had the rest itself not been satisfying or restoring enough. In place of the 15min needed to reach the central station, was I wondering for 45min. Contrary to that, was 15min what I needed to shake off the cold out of my organism and stop shivering pitifully.
Sure enough has it been a painful ride. However, was it to be compared to the other aspects of the journey?
After the dark hour, had the sun risen letting me know it was there as the bright burning red ball of fire which it is. All the heavens had to make way for this source of power and life in itself. The skies were open and gleaming blue, the scenery was superb, the life of nature was revitalizing and preparing for the marvellous day to come.Regardless the temperature had raised barely a few degrees, was the embracing light of the sun what gave me the energy and drive to keep on restlessly all the way through.
Hadn't I had to go through the dark time, then would I have never been able to enjoy the greatness of that welcoming sight letting me know of God's pleasure on my life and more, much more...during those coming days.
Yeah, our mighty Creator and lover of our souls sees way further beyond than our pain or present fears. He knows you're there, struggling and wrestling against the pain which troubles your heart, feelings, and body. But He also knows that without that temporary suffering, no amazing wonders can be done
thru and
for you.
My struggle was temporary, but the joy and fullfilment of peace went far beyond that. It will actually remain as one more of the memories which let me know of God's love for His child.
Pain, is it worth living through? Let me answer it with Romans 8:18
"For I reckon that the sufferings if this present time are not worthy to be compared wih the glory which shall be revealed in us."
I have believed, and lived to experience it.
Would you dare to believe in that promise as well?