Sunday, February 20, 2005

Yes, it's a God-given gift

Indeed, I couldn't believe myself when it came unto my hands. The way it happened, that's certainly a story not easy to forget...

Wednesday: February 16, 2005
It was a normal day when I had come back from school. I was home, wondering about my life and the new studying period. At 9:30 pm I got a call from my uncle telling me he had some stuff awating for me at his place. Some envelopes, an old printer, and a somewhat dusted but functioning computer. "Ok" I said, "I'll meet you tomorrow at 1 o'clock". The one sentence I won't forget about that conversation is: "David, don't think about computers, study, focus on school, and take your rest tonight." So I did, or at least I gave it a try.

Thursday: February 17, 2005
Regardless the fact I'd gone to bed over midnight, I woke up at around 7:30am. Quite early considering the fact I had a free day. As soon as I had gathered up myself and let go off the sleep's lethargy, had my central nervous system led my brains once again to that one thought...having a new computer. It would simply not leave me at ease! I was wondering and wondering about an advertisement of a PC I had seen 2 days ago. It was exactly what I needed at the exact amount of money I could afford. Ok I lie, it was 1 Euro cheaper than the budget arrangement.
Anyhow, after constantly battling against my thoughts, had I finally decided to satisfy their demands and took way to the computer shop. On my way there was I wondering, "Ok o'Lord, if it's not for me, make it clear please".
[that is, I wouldn't accept anything less than my highly fussy demands]
The moment I entered the place and found the device, was I impressed by the likeness and characteristic of it. Needless to say, was it more than what I had in mind. Exactly how the picture above is displayed, was the computer siting there right in front me. In other words: it was like a toy long yearned for, lying behind a showcase focused under the expectant eyes of a child.
No hint of doubt could be found on those eyes. The decision was made instantly. A couple of hours later, was I together with my uncle walking into my room with the toy in hands.
The timing couldn't have been beter than that one. I had a free day at school, my uncle was disposed to give me ride due to the former appointment made the day before, and the computer was being offered at its cheapest just a 5 min bike-ride from my place. Could I ask for anything else? Even the slightest details such as transportation and weather conditions {cold but dry} were arranged from above!

Typing now behind it and enjoying fully the amazing performance of it, can I say but one thing:

"And we know that all things work together for them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28 KJV

Do you want to experience such blessings as the one which I've just been granted? So why don't you start showing a bit of love to your Creator and our Father? Is that too much to ask? That's all He's asking from you: simply love Him! And if you don't know how to, take your Bible and search for the word LOVE. The wonders and promises you'll encounter will revolutionise your world. Trust me, it revolutionised mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well..I´m happy for you and your history is great in my true GAD IS ALL...