Thursday, June 09, 2005

I heard once people say, "It's like a piece of Heaven down on Earth". That opinion may be regarded as an utopia, but the outcome of such a confernce was surely a piece of Heaven set into every heart and soul looking forward to find God during those four days.
My personal opinion is: search God's righteousness, mercy and grace; then, will you know what I'm talking about. A love so great that tears of joy flow from deep within all the way down through the contours of your cheeks letting know of such and overflowing joy. Why? Because it's so fulfilling that all you want to do is praise and honour Him. If you realized how much your life's salvation has cost at the top of that cross...
"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish but have everlating life". John 3:16
As if it weren't enough, He even promises a totally fulfilling and pleasurable life here down on Earth making every hardship worth of living through and every bit of joy so enjoyable that all you end up longing for is to remain experiencing that joy forever; yet, one day to happen with Him in His kingdom. The one place promised to those who believe and accept His love for their lives...I'm surely looking forward to eternal joy. Are you?

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