Living the dream ~ To dream is to live ~ Aim high today!
Thursday, March 31, 2005
When pressure comes along the way....
This is surely not the best time to write...
After an unforggetable and incredible "vacation" of four days, has the purpose of those relaxed times clearly come to be. I surely needed each and every single one of them. Though unknowingly, have those days prepared me for the days to come...
Immediately the following day, have all the retained amount of tasks and studies yet to be done at once poured on me. As if the Great Dam had torn totally apart letting its safely kept waters water down the neighbouring villages flooding them to the very ends of them, have all the tasks filled every single one of my nerves, neurotransmitters, and possible information senders within my being.
"The pressure is appalling and the time unforgiving. Lord, give me the strength that I need, don't let me down in this time when I need you the most though my daily worries mislead every thought of mine from focusing on you. I'm striving to achieve and fullfil every single one of the tasks demanded from me the way you commanded me to do so according to Colossians 3:23. Lord, may all that's got to be done be accomplished to the purpose of giving you glory. However, so that you may be glorified, is my prayer that you let me to stumble not. You know my fears and limitations. I don't know how far I can go, but in your guidance I trust. In your Son's name I pray, Amen."
After an unforggetable and incredible "vacation" of four days, has the purpose of those relaxed times clearly come to be. I surely needed each and every single one of them. Though unknowingly, have those days prepared me for the days to come...
Immediately the following day, have all the retained amount of tasks and studies yet to be done at once poured on me. As if the Great Dam had torn totally apart letting its safely kept waters water down the neighbouring villages flooding them to the very ends of them, have all the tasks filled every single one of my nerves, neurotransmitters, and possible information senders within my being.
"The pressure is appalling and the time unforgiving. Lord, give me the strength that I need, don't let me down in this time when I need you the most though my daily worries mislead every thought of mine from focusing on you. I'm striving to achieve and fullfil every single one of the tasks demanded from me the way you commanded me to do so according to Colossians 3:23. Lord, may all that's got to be done be accomplished to the purpose of giving you glory. However, so that you may be glorified, is my prayer that you let me to stumble not. You know my fears and limitations. I don't know how far I can go, but in your guidance I trust. In your Son's name I pray, Amen."
Thursday, March 17, 2005
A peculiar day...[Part two]
If you have already read the first part of 'A Peculiar day', then yes, that friend of mine is indeed admirable even when the picture brings the opposite forth. Here goes the reason why:
Before we decided to enjoy the Bosche Bol, I let hem know that I had to pin some cash since I had nothing with me at that moment. He didn't trouble himself and regardles the cost of it, he simply paid for us both.
In second instance, before we went to sit together and take a drink, did we approach a 'pin-automaat' so that I could take some cash. To my surprise, was my account totally emptied without my even realizing of it. No money could be cashed. I thought then, "I better get home and take my rest there." However, once again he didn't mind it and togeyher we headed to the terrace. Well, after the first sip of drink, I didn't want to be a burden to his wallet anymore so I wanted to leave it there. Yeah right, that was me; he insisted on inviting me a 2nd drink without even thinking twice about it. As a matter of fact, the beer he suggested to me was the most expensive one in the beverages' menu! I mean, why would he do all that? What I saw was pure hospitality and unselfish attitude the which he displayed that day! He didn't really have to. After all, his bank account was even below null and what he had in his wallet was all he had 'til his next payment!
So if you dare to judge someone from his outside appearance, think twice before you dare to say anything. Not for nothing does the famous proverb say,
"Appearances are deceiving."
Dwell on it and don't rush into judgement when the truth still remains hidden to you!
Before we decided to enjoy the Bosche Bol, I let hem know that I had to pin some cash since I had nothing with me at that moment. He didn't trouble himself and regardles the cost of it, he simply paid for us both.
In second instance, before we went to sit together and take a drink, did we approach a 'pin-automaat' so that I could take some cash. To my surprise, was my account totally emptied without my even realizing of it. No money could be cashed. I thought then, "I better get home and take my rest there." However, once again he didn't mind it and togeyher we headed to the terrace. Well, after the first sip of drink, I didn't want to be a burden to his wallet anymore so I wanted to leave it there. Yeah right, that was me; he insisted on inviting me a 2nd drink without even thinking twice about it. As a matter of fact, the beer he suggested to me was the most expensive one in the beverages' menu! I mean, why would he do all that? What I saw was pure hospitality and unselfish attitude the which he displayed that day! He didn't really have to. After all, his bank account was even below null and what he had in his wallet was all he had 'til his next payment!
So if you dare to judge someone from his outside appearance, think twice before you dare to say anything. Not for nothing does the famous proverb say,
"Appearances are deceiving."
Dwell on it and don't rush into judgement when the truth still remains hidden to you!
A peculiar day
5 days before the official starting date of spring has the sun begun to shine here in the small, but beautiful city of Den Bosch, Netherlands. The sun was shining to its fullest accompaniend by a pleasant 17 degree weather which was crying out to me, "Hey man, take your bike and hit the road!" Despite the fact I missed a couple of lessons that day, has the trouble surely paid its cost.
Nevertheless, was it the day after the peculiar one. Despite the fact that the sun was once again concealed by the overwhelming power of gray clouds, was the weather still decent enough to enjoy it outdoors.
After school have a friend of mine and I taken the same train to go home. He had an appointment at 6:30 as well as I did. By considering the fact that we both had to wait for more than an hour, we decided the go downtown.
Along the way, after walking alongside that majestic golden dragon, lies a bakery café where the most delicious whipped cream bals, inclosed by the most exclusive chocolate in all of Holland, are baked. They are the so-called 'Bosche Bollen' in honor to the city's name. As a commentary, I mentioned my friend the fact that I'd someday dare to enter that place, sit there, and simply delighten myself with it's appealing taste.
My Friend, determined and practical as always, suggested to do it instantly. Thus, for the first time ever have I had the priviledge to enjoy the most delicious 'Bosche Bol' from all of Holland! Well, the delicatesse was in no time brought within our bowels, so we immediatly moved further on. We decided to go and sit somewhere in a terrace to simply relax and enjoy the weather. Therefore, we went to the main 'plaza' of the city. There, have I once again for the very first time ever sat outside, relaxed my legs and simply breathed the refreshing air of a new, 'warm' day in Holland together with a friend of mine.
Well, with a 'Bossche Bol' in my entrails, a relaxed position and fresh air in the lungs, was this image still to be improved with something to drink. The friend of mine suggested me to join him with a beer, but instead did I order a humble bottle of water, or 'Spa Blauw' as they call it here. Meanwhile, in the discussion did we argue about the reason why I hadn't taken a beer with him. I told him I had never had a drop of beer in my life; I did indeed like other sort of beverages, but not beer.
Well, once both our glasses were emtpy again, did he invite me to order something more adequate to the situation than simply water. To his insistence, did I agree to take a beverage. There were all sorts of them, but when I realized what I was doing did my thoughts go, "Hey man, don't be stupid! You want to drink the least amount of alcohol possible and then you agree on taking a 40% alcohol rich drink?" Once I considered the though did I finally decide to take the beer that according to him, was the most adequate for the situation. When it was served, was it indeed a refreshing drik called "Desperado"; with a slice of lemon on it and a light beer flavor did I once again satisfy the taste sensors of my palate.
In resume, have I within one hour, had the chance to delighten myself with three things which I had not yet enjoyed. All three of them at the best moment posible and with the company of a friend of mine!
Now, healthy and critical people may think that it's absolutely not the case. I mean, eating a fat-filled pastry, sitting and doing simply nothing, and even drinking a beer breaking the sentence of "I have never had a drop of beer before" are surely not the very best of things to do. However, was the attitude of my friend to be regarded as what hospitality means, admirable.
Nevertheless, was it the day after the peculiar one. Despite the fact that the sun was once again concealed by the overwhelming power of gray clouds, was the weather still decent enough to enjoy it outdoors.
After school have a friend of mine and I taken the same train to go home. He had an appointment at 6:30 as well as I did. By considering the fact that we both had to wait for more than an hour, we decided the go downtown.
Along the way, after walking alongside that majestic golden dragon, lies a bakery café where the most delicious whipped cream bals, inclosed by the most exclusive chocolate in all of Holland, are baked. They are the so-called 'Bosche Bollen' in honor to the city's name. As a commentary, I mentioned my friend the fact that I'd someday dare to enter that place, sit there, and simply delighten myself with it's appealing taste.
My Friend, determined and practical as always, suggested to do it instantly. Thus, for the first time ever have I had the priviledge to enjoy the most delicious 'Bosche Bol' from all of Holland! Well, the delicatesse was in no time brought within our bowels, so we immediatly moved further on. We decided to go and sit somewhere in a terrace to simply relax and enjoy the weather. Therefore, we went to the main 'plaza' of the city. There, have I once again for the very first time ever sat outside, relaxed my legs and simply breathed the refreshing air of a new, 'warm' day in Holland together with a friend of mine.
Well, with a 'Bossche Bol' in my entrails, a relaxed position and fresh air in the lungs, was this image still to be improved with something to drink. The friend of mine suggested me to join him with a beer, but instead did I order a humble bottle of water, or 'Spa Blauw' as they call it here. Meanwhile, in the discussion did we argue about the reason why I hadn't taken a beer with him. I told him I had never had a drop of beer in my life; I did indeed like other sort of beverages, but not beer.
Well, once both our glasses were emtpy again, did he invite me to order something more adequate to the situation than simply water. To his insistence, did I agree to take a beverage. There were all sorts of them, but when I realized what I was doing did my thoughts go, "Hey man, don't be stupid! You want to drink the least amount of alcohol possible and then you agree on taking a 40% alcohol rich drink?" Once I considered the though did I finally decide to take the beer that according to him, was the most adequate for the situation. When it was served, was it indeed a refreshing drik called "Desperado"; with a slice of lemon on it and a light beer flavor did I once again satisfy the taste sensors of my palate.
In resume, have I within one hour, had the chance to delighten myself with three things which I had not yet enjoyed. All three of them at the best moment posible and with the company of a friend of mine!
Now, healthy and critical people may think that it's absolutely not the case. I mean, eating a fat-filled pastry, sitting and doing simply nothing, and even drinking a beer breaking the sentence of "I have never had a drop of beer before" are surely not the very best of things to do. However, was the attitude of my friend to be regarded as what hospitality means, admirable.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
It's the beauty of it all.
Yesterday night, together with my beautiful and perfect "Dove", have we dared to experience the best of what technology can offer. Longing to see each other's faces once again, after 8 months of expectation has that so longed yearning become a reality. We were finally able to make a normal conversation about the picture above taken the day before while even watching each other. No, nothing can replace the joy of being physically together, but when the best of technology's advances is taken into account, can reality get somewhat closer and more tangible for the heart. By means of headphones with a microphone, a webcam, and a really good internet connection, has that become possible. Think of it! How often does anybody have the chance to see his loved one after over half a year, hear her sweet voice, watch those black-pearled eyes, and still be miles away from each other?
I praise you Lord for this! Thank you so much!!!
"For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him." Matthew 25:29
About the picture: It has been taken two days ago with the recently acquired camera. The plan was to keep it packed inside its box 'til the commotion of the new computer would settle down. I mean, you don't get such things that often. Specially when they come one after the other! Well, uneasyness told me to unpack it and have it ready for whenever it may be needed. Needless to say, the moment I had set it up, I lifted my eyes in search of a nice "test" image when there it was.
Yeah, our Creator has not only got a perfect Creation, but a perfect timing as well. That simple but beautiful picture let me experience the exact meaning of those words. May His name be glorified!
The Bible verse?
"He has made everything beautiful in its time..." Ecclesiastes 3:11
(Read further for the rest of the chapter and you'll find beautiful truths!)
I praise you Lord for this! Thank you so much!!!
"For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him." Matthew 25:29
About the picture: It has been taken two days ago with the recently acquired camera. The plan was to keep it packed inside its box 'til the commotion of the new computer would settle down. I mean, you don't get such things that often. Specially when they come one after the other! Well, uneasyness told me to unpack it and have it ready for whenever it may be needed. Needless to say, the moment I had set it up, I lifted my eyes in search of a nice "test" image when there it was.
Yeah, our Creator has not only got a perfect Creation, but a perfect timing as well. That simple but beautiful picture let me experience the exact meaning of those words. May His name be glorified!
The Bible verse?
"He has made everything beautiful in its time..." Ecclesiastes 3:11
(Read further for the rest of the chapter and you'll find beautiful truths!)
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Picture perfect....the real thing.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
If I hadn't had so much to do?
Yep, I'm now quite sick with a influenza with an unbearable ailment which comes back as soon as I'm outside again fighting against the cold but white-covered streets. I've never been in such cold weather before and the amount of snow which fell the last few days is massive.
The fallen snow can easily be related to my week as well. The amount of work, tasks and assignments to be done was totally overwhelming. I've surely reached the extent to how far I can go mentally. There have been all kinds of experiences, from great impressions all the way to deep frustrations.
It's weird to see how I prayed for rest all throughout the week while new coming tasks poured on me. I had to do more and more unceasingly going all the way to my very own limits. Plenty of work had to be done but somehow has nothing been left undone.
It's exactly the feeling of accomplishment what now at the end of this tiresome week brings satisfaction by letting me creep into my bed like the picture above knowing that the work's been done and that this time is gone.
Praise be to God for every single experienced being lived so far. It all lets me know that we're still on Earth. Although perfection may never be achieved during this lifetime regardless the toil, it's exacly that endeless pursuit the which gives us the strength to go on knowing that at the very end of our times, all the needed rest will be found in the Lord, our Father; when He, with wide-open arms will say,
"Well done my son, come and take thy rest upon my chest".
The fallen snow can easily be related to my week as well. The amount of work, tasks and assignments to be done was totally overwhelming. I've surely reached the extent to how far I can go mentally. There have been all kinds of experiences, from great impressions all the way to deep frustrations.
It's weird to see how I prayed for rest all throughout the week while new coming tasks poured on me. I had to do more and more unceasingly going all the way to my very own limits. Plenty of work had to be done but somehow has nothing been left undone.
It's exactly the feeling of accomplishment what now at the end of this tiresome week brings satisfaction by letting me creep into my bed like the picture above knowing that the work's been done and that this time is gone.
Praise be to God for every single experienced being lived so far. It all lets me know that we're still on Earth. Although perfection may never be achieved during this lifetime regardless the toil, it's exacly that endeless pursuit the which gives us the strength to go on knowing that at the very end of our times, all the needed rest will be found in the Lord, our Father; when He, with wide-open arms will say,
"Well done my son, come and take thy rest upon my chest".
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