Saturday, March 12, 2005

It's the beauty of it all.

Yesterday night, together with my beautiful and perfect "Dove", have we dared to experience the best of what technology can offer. Longing to see each other's faces once again, after 8 months of expectation has that so longed yearning become a reality. We were finally able to make a normal conversation about the picture above taken the day before while even watching each other. No, nothing can replace the joy of being physically together, but when the best of technology's advances is taken into account, can reality get somewhat closer and more tangible for the heart. By means of headphones with a microphone, a webcam, and a really good internet connection, has that become possible. Think of it! How often does anybody have the chance to see his loved one after over half a year, hear her sweet voice, watch those black-pearled eyes, and still be miles away from each other?
I praise you Lord for this! Thank you so much!!!

"For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him." Matthew 25:29

About the picture: It has been taken two days ago with the recently acquired camera. The plan was to keep it packed inside its box 'til the commotion of the new computer would settle down. I mean, you don't get such things that often. Specially when they come one after the other! Well, uneasyness told me to unpack it and have it ready for whenever it may be needed. Needless to say, the moment I had set it up, I lifted my eyes in search of a nice "test" image when there it was.
Yeah, our Creator has not only got a perfect Creation, but a perfect timing as well. That simple but beautiful picture let me experience the exact meaning of those words. May His name be glorified!

The Bible verse?
"He has made everything beautiful in its time..." Ecclesiastes 3:11
(Read further for the rest of the chapter and you'll find beautiful truths!)

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