Saturday, March 05, 2005

If I hadn't had so much to do?

Yep, I'm now quite sick with a influenza with an unbearable ailment which comes back as soon as I'm outside again fighting against the cold but white-covered streets. I've never been in such cold weather before and the amount of snow which fell the last few days is massive.
The fallen snow can easily be related to my week as well. The amount of work, tasks and assignments to be done was totally overwhelming. I've surely reached the extent to how far I can go mentally. There have been all kinds of experiences, from great impressions all the way to deep frustrations.

It's weird to see how I prayed for rest all throughout the week while new coming tasks poured on me. I had to do more and more unceasingly going all the way to my very own limits. Plenty of work had to be done but somehow has nothing been left undone.
It's exactly the feeling of accomplishment what now at the end of this tiresome week brings satisfaction by letting me creep into my bed like the picture above knowing that the work's been done and that this time is gone.
Praise be to God for every single experienced being lived so far. It all lets me know that we're still on Earth. Although perfection may never be achieved during this lifetime regardless the toil, it's exacly that endeless pursuit the which gives us the strength to go on knowing that at the very end of our times, all the needed rest will be found in the Lord, our Father; when He, with wide-open arms will say,

"Well done my son, come and take thy rest upon my chest".

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